Tulsa Symphony Orchestra Trumpet Section
Mahler 6 Concert. March 2015

Jesse Performing
With Covalence (Mark Clodfelter and Rebecca Wilt on Piano). March of 2015

City Limits Brass Quintet
Graduate Brass Quintet, UT Austin in recital: May 2013

Final Hurdle in DMA
Jesse with Professor Ray Sasaki: May 2013

UT Austin Doctoral Granting Ceremony
All the Brass players graduating with DMA's from UT Austin: May 2013

Jesse Cook, Band Director
Harlan High School. 2007 Spring Concert

Masterclass at Tulsa Community College
Dr. Cook working with TCC students: February 2015

Jesse with Doc
Doc Severinson, one of the all time greats. November: 2015

Jesse with NSU Guest Artist
Mary Bowden and Jesse Cook: February 2015